السلام عليكم
انا استخدم قالب Gameleon للالعاب والقالب معه دليل للاستخدم المشكله ان انا عملت الخطوات كلها عدا الخطوه دى لانى لا افهمها ممكن مساعدة
\[code\]Including in your WP
There are three ways to include the Slider in your Theme:
From the theme html/php use:
<?php putRevSlider( id or "alias" ) ?>
<?php putRevSlider("slider1"); ?>
From the widgets panel: Drag the "GAMELEON: Revolution Slider" widget to the desired sidebar.
From the post editor: Insert the shortcode from the sliders table - Example:
\[rev\_slider slider1\]>
If you don't see the images loaded for slides, set the 777 permissions to cache folder located in wp-content/themes/Gameleon/includes/sliders/revslider.
If you face problems at Edit CSS File for Captions option and nothing happening when you press the Update button, set the 777 permissions for captions.css located in wp-content/themes/Gameleon/includes/sliders/revslider/rs-plugin/css/